Nowadays, concerns over business activities and their impact on the environment keep rising due to a number of reasons, such as climate changes, shortage of resources, stricter laws and regulations and the proliferation of various environmental protection groups and organizations. Companies also realize seeking environmental consulting services and reducing environmental footprint, allow them to be more eco-friendly and environmentally-friendly as compared to others.
Having been inquired by the business community about environmental matters and being on a mission to make the world a better habitat for all living species as well as for future generations, we fully understand the fundamental impact of environmental issues on business performance and company valuation. BMI Environmental Consultancy Limited (BMIEC) has been established to cater to the elevating demand for environmental consulting services in various aspects including, but not limited to, the following:
- Environmental Audit
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Risk Assessment
- Carbon Audit
- Energy Audit
- Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation
- Waste Management
- Commercial Recycling
- Corporate Sustainability