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Mr. Wei Zhilong

Mr. Wei graduated from the Department of Engineering Physics of Tsinghua University in February 1968, and now is a professor of Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Since late 1980s, Prof. Wei has been studying energy, environment, economy and climate issues focusing on GHG emission reduction, priority areas, reduction cost analysis, mitigation strategies in China. He worked for a lot of researches of key national science and technology projects and international cooperation projects on addressing climate change, for example, key national science and technology projects for the 8th, 9th, 10th,11th Five-year Plans, China–US, China–EU, China–WB, China–ADB bilateral and multilateral project activities, etc. At the same time, many efforts are also put for CDM capacity building activities, for reviewing PDD of CDM projects applied by China project owners, more than 400 PDDs have been assessed for past 5 years since taken as an expert of China CDM Project Management Board. He was a member of Math Panel of EB during July 2004 to September 2006.

Mr. Lim Teck Wym

Mr. Lim is the Technical Director of Resource Stewardship Consultants Sdn Bhd (RESCU), a research and policy advisory company that he co-founded in 2004.   Mr. Lim has a degree in forestry and served as the first manager of the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) in 1999-2000.  He later served as the forest conservation officer of WWF Malaysia’s Borneo Programme and was the honorary secretary of the Malaysian Nature Society.  He has authored two books and numerous articles on forest conservation.  Mr. Lim has published several papers on biological diversity in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has evaluated a number of extinct and critically endangered forest species for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.  He also is a qualified forest and chain-of-custody auditor for the FSC, SGS and Rainforest Alliance certification schemes.


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